After the Nap Ministry
I wish you quiet
Rest is a radical love practice.
I wish you would fall into yourself
Rest is a necessary love practice.
I wish you would fall into God
I wish you could turn your back on time and turmoil
Rest is reclamation.
I wish you banks of white sage and cedar smoke
Swirling between streams of sunlight
Rest is a restorative love practice.
I wish you drawn baths of bright blessing and mint leaves
I wish no one wanted anything from you
Rest is a desperate love practice.
I wish you had nowhere to be
Rest is an ancestral love practice.
I wish you were naked
Stretched out with no demand on your body
I wish your feet were covered in red dirt
That your hands smelled of fresh earth
Rest is an environmental love practice.
I wish no one for miles around thought you were prey
I wish your monsters weren’t real
I wish this nation wasn’t feasting on our flesh
Wish all our dead would rise and fight
I wish you the mightiest of angels
Rest is a revolutionary love practice.
I wish a motherfucker would
Let me lay down in peace
Rest is an act of war.
©Confidence Omenai
It is pivotal that we prioritize self-care as we war for the future of this nation. Your rest is as important as your activism. I'll go one further and say as a Black woman resting is a political act when we have been expected to carry this country to our detriment for 400 plus years.
Tricia Hersey is the Nap Bishop. Her work changed my life and is here to restore us. I am forever grateful for the time she spent with us here in Denver. Please visit her pages.
Support her work and create a rest practice.
